Our Commitment To Being An Ethical Brand
At Masey Towers we like to keep it ethical so I thought I would share some positive news with you all.
Supporting Just One Tree since 2019
With our charity partnership Just One Tree, we plant 20 trees each month as standard and we add an extra 20 extra trees for any overseas shipments we receive, plus one tree per order we receive from our lovely customers. Our trees are planted in a mangrove in Madagascar.
Just One Tree planted in total 884,032 trees in 2020 which is an amazing number and a fantastic effort to help the environment. Just imagine if every business in the UK did this and what a wonderful effect on the environment it might have.
Hope On A Rope supporting The Hummingbird Project
We just launched a new product, our Soap on a Rope where 100% of the net profits will go directly to a small charity The Hummingbird Project.

The Hummingbird Refugee Project has welcomed hundreds of young people over the last three years. They provide youth-led services to young refugees offering specialist support to young men and women who may have experienced trauma and/or have significant difficulties in their life.

Why we chose these charities
We chose to support small charities as they do excellent work, with no governmental support and they are always strapped for cash.
If you have any charities which are close to your heart please let us know and they may well be our chosen charity next year.
We continue to support a number of other charities by way of cash donations and in recent months we have helped The Hunt Saboteurs Association in Brighton pay for vehicle repairs.
We have donated products for auctions and raffles to a number of small groups who are trying to raise funds for worthy causes. One charity raised over £1,000 by auctioning Mr Masey's products!
Vegan Founded Accreditation
We are accredited with Vegan Founded. Vegan Founded certify people and businesses, not just products. The Vegan Founded symbol lets customers know we're an authentic vegan owned business. Their organisation gives global transparency for vegan consumers and the vegan community to know WHO they are buying from and WHERE their money ends up.
Their trademark quickly identifies products and services as being free from animal ingredients and free from cruelty. To be certified the founders must be vegan too. Creating a stronger sense of unity between the buyer and business owner.
Becoming accredited by vegan founded further underscores our commitment to the environment and the creatures which inhabit it.

Our thank you to you our wonderful customers
We can't do any of this without you! So thanks to everyone who continues to support us.